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Written by Emma Louise Woolley

Quite often you see our creative in a digital format, but rarely do we share our practices outside of what we do at YST. Over the past couple of months our creatives have started to explore the world of art in a traditional sense. Remember print?…

The idea was to reconnect with our artistic roots. Our creatives come from traditional fine art backgrounds. We studied fine art and all things related to art. We even exhibited at early 90’s shows in and around Birmingham.

By reconnecting with traditional forms of art, this has helped to inform our day-to-day creative practices here at YST.

We connected with Birmingham Printmakers at the Jubilee Centre in Birmingham City Centre. The Albion press is stunning. The detail and artistry into the build of the press itself is mesmerising. Birmingham Printmakers provide print making skills and facilities, including; screen printing tables, relief press and etching presses with a small darkroom and exposure unit. Typical clients are independent artists, art galleries and commercial clients.

We thought this would be interesting to mix traditional printmaking techniques into our day-to-day projects. Having access to their facilities, means we can produce a broad range of handmade, bespoke creative pieces for our clients.

We had a lot of fun experimenting during the workshop. If you’re interested in printmaking, then we highly recommend taking a workshop!

Birmingham Printmakers:

A trio of portraits developed from preliminary sketches and transferred to Japanese Vinyl.

Portraiture Series
Oversized A3 Lino Print on Traditional Fabriano Rosaspina Bianco printed with traditional Black Letter Press Relief Ink.
Limited series – Available to order

Portraiture Series
Oversized A3 Lino Print on Traditional Fabriano Rosaspina Bianco printed with traditional Black Letter Press Relief Ink.
Limited series – Available to order

Keith Haring Special
Oversized A3 Lino Print on Traditional Fabriano Rosaspina Bianco printed with traditional Black Letter Press Relief Ink.
Limited series – Available to order

Want to see more? Check out the rest of the story on Instagram

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